
Price:800,000 €
Contract type:SALE/RENT
Location:France, CA
Approx. Area132 ha
Special Note:REF : L12

About Property

Ref :L12 UNDER OFFER  Limousin border (north) 132ha sheep unit - all in one block........ completely private access to and on the land..............well fenced with 2 lakes on the property.  75 ha to buy, balance to rent..... Large shed..........2 houses inc good gite business............ EU Subsidies of 60,000 Euros.....Convenient for Limoges and Poitiers airports..............Retirement sale........Price : 800,000  ewes + machinery extra   .......................Really well set up business in quiet setting but access to local services within minutes........HIGHLY RECOMMENDED    UNDER OFFER  Ref : L12  


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